Phoebe Tonkin Wire

Australian actress Phoebe Tonkin (“Tomorrow When The War Began”, TV’s “Secret Circle”) talks to Mandy Griffiths about her inspirational new website YourZenLife, and her latest acting gig, on TV’s “The Vampire Diaries”.

Q. Congratulations on “Your Zen Life”, it’s so nice to see busy professionals make the time for something so positive, can you tell us about it and how it came about?
Teresa and I bonded over our love of healthy living and a holistic outlook on life. We are both so passionate about this positive way of life and wanted to create an outlet for people to get inspired and share their own stories.

Q. I know I always have the best of intentions to live healthy, but then I get tired. And hungry. And the couch looks so good. How do you manage to stay inspired?
I have defiantly felt the benefits of looking after myself, eating fresh, locally and organic, and being physical every day. Sometimes you have to look forward and be patient for the after affects, to motivate you to be healthy. It also is a lot easier to be healthier then many think, its not about going crazy at the gym or cutting down calories, its about getting the most nutrients from the food you eat and the endorphins from when you exercise. I think the word ‘health’ is very miss used these days.

Q. You have now joined one of my very favourite shows “The Vampire Diaries” with fellow Australian Claire Holt. From an outsider’s perspective it seems like one of the closest knit and fun sets around, how are you finding it?
It’s been a really incredible experience. Those actors work so, so hard, and it is such a cool show to be a part of. They are four seasons in, it feels like a well oiled machine by now but I felt very welcomed by everyone when I first started. I knew Kevin Williamson very well beforehand, from Secret Circle, so I didn’t feel too much like a fish out of water.

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