Phoebe Tonkin Wire

Moving to LA has definitely changed my perspective a little. When I came over, it was kind of a culture shock. I grew up on the beach. It’s just a way of life. You don’t seek out that lifestyle; it’s just day-to-day. You have to seek out the chill people here. That was the biggest difference I noticed. You find different groups of people that live in different areas. I’ve started to absolutely adore living here. I’ve got a green card now, so I plan on living here for a while.

Read the rest and see the rest of the shoot @ Shop-Ghost!

TV Fanatic talks to Charles Michael Davis about his role in the upcoming Vampire Diaries spin-off – The Originals


Next, Phoebe Tonkin teases a slightly different tone for The Originals, largely because Hayley is pregnant with a hybrid baby. What must that be like?!? Watch now for scoop from the beautiful actress:

via tvfanatic

Original post by Jen over at our partner site. Head on over for more about Phoebe!